During my first Introduction to Public Relations class with Temple University Professor Bruce Hardy, the first thing he ever said was, “If you learn one thing in my class let it be this: life is always fixable, you are your own and most important client and make the world a better place.” Taking time to make … More WHO IS YOUR MOST IMPORTANT CLIENT? YOURSELF.

*Insert Title Here* – Dealing with Writer’s Block

Originally published on templeprsssa.org Writer’s block. It’s something we’ve all heard of and most likely have or will endure a few times throughout our careers. Those late, stressful nights where you sit down to write and it’s as if you’ve never written anything before in your life. After what seems like an eternity you think … More *Insert Title Here* – Dealing with Writer’s Block

Philly Phavorites

Originally published on templeprssa.org It’s hard to believe that I’ve been living in Philadelphia for almost two years. It feels like just yesterday I was packing up my room at home getting ready to move into my first dorm room. Throughout those two years, I have taken advantage of what it is like to attend … More Philly Phavorites

Finals 101

It’s hard to believe that my sophomore year of college is almost over, but before I can call myself a junior, I have to pass these dreaded finals. That’s right…it’s finals season ladies & gents. In honor of finals (save your GPA) season, I’m sharing some of my best tips & tricks for surviving finals. … More Finals 101

19 things pt. 2

Last week, I shared 19 things that I have learned throughout my 19 years on Earth. Today, I want to share 19 things that I came up with on my 19th birthday of things I want to accomplish. While revisiting this list, I realized just how many I have already began accomplishing. Now, I am … More 19 things pt. 2

19 things

When I turned 19 (well over eight months ago), I made a list of 19 things I’ve learned. My intention was to always write a blog stating the 19 things I’ve learned, and even though it might be eight months late, I am FINALLY writing it.  So here it goes, 19 things things I’ve learned … More 19 things